@@ -1,2627 +0,0 @@
-package help
-import (
- "fmt"
- "strings"
- "time"
-func ExampleKeyValue() {
- m := make(map[int]bool)
- m[10] = true
- fmt.Println(From(m).Results())
- // Output:
- // [{10 true}]
-func ExampleKeyValue_second() {
- input := []KeyValue{
- {10, true},
- }
- m := make(map[int]bool)
- From(input).
- ToMap(&m)
- fmt.Println(m)
- // Output:
- // map[10:true]
-// The following code example demonstrates how
-// to use Range to generate a slice of values.
-func ExampleRange() {
- // Generate a slice of integers from 1 to 10
- // and then select their squares.
- var squares []int
- Range(1, 10).
- SelectT(
- func(x int) int { return x * x },
- ).
- ToSlice(&squares)
- for _, num := range squares {
- fmt.Println(num)
- }
- //Output:
- //1
- //4
- //9
- //16
- //25
- //36
- //49
- //64
- //81
- //100
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use Repeat
-// to generate a slice of a repeated value.
-func ExampleRepeat() {
- var slice []string
- Repeat("I like programming.", 5).
- ToSlice(&slice)
- for _, str := range slice {
- fmt.Println(str)
- }
- //Output:
- //I like programming.
- //I like programming.
- //I like programming.
- //I like programming.
- //I like programming.
-func ExampleQuery() {
- query := From([]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}).Where(func(i interface{}) bool {
- return i.(int) <= 3
- })
- next := query.Iterate()
- for item, ok := next(); ok; item, ok = next() {
- fmt.Println(item)
- }
- // Output:
- // 1
- // 2
- // 3
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use Aggregate function
-func ExampleQuery_Aggregate() {
- fruits := []string{"apple", "mango", "orange", "passionfruit", "grape"}
- // Determine which string in the slice is the longest.
- longestName := From(fruits).
- Aggregate(
- func(r interface{}, i interface{}) interface{} {
- if len(r.(string)) > len(i.(string)) {
- return r
- }
- return i
- },
- )
- fmt.Println(longestName)
- // Output:
- // passionfruit
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use AggregateWithSeed function
-func ExampleQuery_AggregateWithSeed() {
- ints := []int{4, 8, 8, 3, 9, 0, 7, 8, 2}
- // Count the even numbers in the array, using a seed value of 0.
- numEven := From(ints).
- AggregateWithSeed(0,
- func(total, next interface{}) interface{} {
- if next.(int)%2 == 0 {
- return total.(int) + 1
- }
- return total
- },
- )
- fmt.Printf("The number of even integers is: %d", numEven)
- // Output:
- // The number of even integers is: 6
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use AggregateWithSeedBy function
-func ExampleQuery_AggregateWithSeedBy() {
- input := []string{"apple", "mango", "orange", "passionfruit", "grape"}
- // Determine whether any string in the array is longer than "banana".
- longestName := From(input).
- AggregateWithSeedBy("banana",
- func(longest interface{}, next interface{}) interface{} {
- if len(longest.(string)) > len(next.(string)) {
- return longest
- }
- return next
- },
- // Return the final result
- func(result interface{}) interface{} {
- return fmt.Sprintf("The fruit with the longest name is %s.", result)
- },
- )
- fmt.Println(longestName)
- // Output:
- // The fruit with the longest name is passionfruit.
-// The following code example demonstrates how to
-// use Distinct to return distinct elements from a slice of integers.
-func ExampleOrderedQuery_Distinct() {
- ages := []int{21, 46, 46, 55, 17, 21, 55, 55}
- var distinctAges []int
- From(ages).
- OrderBy(
- func(item interface{}) interface{} { return item },
- ).
- Distinct().
- ToSlice(&distinctAges)
- fmt.Println(distinctAges)
- // Output:
- // [17 21 46 55]
-// The following code example demonstrates how to
-// use DistinctBy to return distinct elements from a ordered slice of elements.
-func ExampleOrderedQuery_DistinctBy() {
- type Product struct {
- Name string
- Code int
- }
- products := []Product{
- {Name: "orange", Code: 4},
- {Name: "apple", Code: 9},
- {Name: "lemon", Code: 12},
- {Name: "apple", Code: 9},
- }
- //Order and exclude duplicates.
- var noduplicates []Product
- From(products).
- OrderBy(
- func(item interface{}) interface{} { return item.(Product).Name },
- ).
- DistinctBy(
- func(item interface{}) interface{} { return item.(Product).Code },
- ).
- ToSlice(&noduplicates)
- for _, product := range noduplicates {
- fmt.Printf("%s %d\n", product.Name, product.Code)
- }
- // Output:
- // apple 9
- // lemon 12
- // orange 4
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use ThenBy to perform
-// a secondary ordering of the elements in a slice.
-func ExampleOrderedQuery_ThenBy() {
- fruits := []string{"grape", "passionfruit", "banana", "mango", "orange", "raspberry", "apple", "blueberry"}
- // Sort the strings first by their length and then
- //alphabetically by passing the identity selector function.
- var query []string
- From(fruits).
- OrderBy(
- func(fruit interface{}) interface{} { return len(fruit.(string)) },
- ).
- ThenBy(
- func(fruit interface{}) interface{} { return fruit },
- ).
- ToSlice(&query)
- for _, fruit := range query {
- fmt.Println(fruit)
- }
- // Output:
- // apple
- // grape
- // mango
- // banana
- // orange
- // blueberry
- // raspberry
- // passionfruit
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use All to determine
-// whether all the elements in a slice satisfy a condition.
-// Variable allStartWithB is true if all the pet names start with "B"
-// or if the pets array is empty.
-func ExampleQuery_All() {
- type Pet struct {
- Name string
- Age int
- }
- pets := []Pet{
- {Name: "Barley", Age: 10},
- {Name: "Boots", Age: 4},
- {Name: "Whiskers", Age: 6},
- }
- // Determine whether all pet names
- // in the array start with 'B'.
- allStartWithB := From(pets).
- All(
- func(pet interface{}) bool { return strings.HasPrefix(pet.(Pet).Name, "B") },
- )
- fmt.Printf("All pet names start with 'B'? %t", allStartWithB)
- // Output:
- //
- // All pet names start with 'B'? false
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use Any to determine
-// whether a slice contains any elements.
-func ExampleQuery_Any() {
- numbers := []int{1, 2}
- hasElements := From(numbers).Any()
- fmt.Printf("Are there any element in the list? %t", hasElements)
- // Output:
- // Are there any element in the list? true
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use AnyWith
-// to determine whether any element in a slice satisfies a condition.
-func ExampleQuery_AnyWith() {
- type Pet struct {
- Name string
- Age int
- Vaccinated bool
- }
- pets := []Pet{
- {Name: "Barley", Age: 8, Vaccinated: true},
- {Name: "Boots", Age: 4, Vaccinated: false},
- {Name: "Whiskers", Age: 1, Vaccinated: false},
- }
- // Determine whether any pets over age 1 are also unvaccinated.
- unvaccinated := From(pets).
- AnyWith(
- func(p interface{}) bool {
- return p.(Pet).Age > 1 && p.(Pet).Vaccinated == false
- },
- )
- fmt.Printf("Are there any unvaccinated animals over age one? %t", unvaccinated)
- // Output:
- //
- // Are there any unvaccinated animals over age one? true
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use Append
-// to include an elements in the last position of a slice.
-func ExampleQuery_Append() {
- input := []int{1, 2, 3, 4}
- q := From(input).Append(5)
- last := q.Last()
- fmt.Println(last)
- // Output:
- // 5
-//The following code example demonstrates how to use Average
-//to calculate the average of a slice of values.
-func ExampleQuery_Average() {
- grades := []int{78, 92, 100, 37, 81}
- average := From(grades).Average()
- fmt.Println(average)
- // Output:
- // 77.6
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use Count
-// to count the elements in an array.
-func ExampleQuery_Count() {
- fruits := []string{"apple", "banana", "mango", "orange", "passionfruit", "grape"}
- numberOfFruits := From(fruits).Count()
- fmt.Println(numberOfFruits)
- // Output:
- // 6
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use Contains
-// to determine whether a slice contains a specific element.
-func ExampleQuery_Contains() {
- slice := []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
- has5 := From(slice).Contains(5)
- fmt.Printf("Does the slice contains 5? %t", has5)
- // Output:
- // Does the slice contains 5? true
-//The following code example demonstrates how to use CountWith
-//to count the even numbers in an array.
-func ExampleQuery_CountWith() {
- slice := []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
- evenCount := From(slice).
- CountWith(
- func(item interface{}) bool { return item.(int)%2 == 0 },
- )
- fmt.Println(evenCount)
- // Output:
- // 6
-// The following example demonstrates how to use the DefaultIfEmpty
-// method on the results of a group join to perform a left outer join.
-// The first step in producing a left outer join of two collections is to perform
-// an inner join by using a group join. In this example, the list of Person objects
-// is inner-joined to the list of Pet objects based on a Person object that matches Pet.Owner.
-// The second step is to include each element of the first (left) collection in the
-// result set even if that element has no matches in the right collection.
-// This is accomplished by calling DefaultIfEmpty on each sequence of matching
-// elements from the group join.
-// In this example, DefaultIfEmpty is called on each sequence of matching Pet elements.
-// The method returns a collection that contains a single, default value if the sequence
-// of matching Pet elements is empty for any Person element, thereby ensuring that each
-// Person element is represented in the result collection.
-func ExampleQuery_DefaultIfEmpty() {
- type Person struct {
- FirstName string
- LastName string
- }
- type Pet struct {
- Name string
- Owner Person
- }
- magnus := Person{FirstName: "Magnus", LastName: "Hedlund"}
- terry := Person{FirstName: "Terry", LastName: "Adams"}
- charlotte := Person{FirstName: "Charlotte", LastName: "Weiss"}
- arlene := Person{FirstName: "Arlene", LastName: "Huff"}
- barley := Pet{Name: "Barley", Owner: terry}
- boots := Pet{Name: "Boots", Owner: terry}
- whiskers := Pet{Name: "Whiskers", Owner: charlotte}
- bluemoon := Pet{Name: "Blue Moon", Owner: terry}
- daisy := Pet{Name: "Daisy", Owner: magnus}
- // Create two lists.
- people := []Person{magnus, terry, charlotte, arlene}
- pets := []Pet{barley, boots, whiskers, bluemoon, daisy}
- results := []string{}
- From(people).
- GroupJoinT(
- From(pets),
- func(person Person) Person { return person },
- func(pet Pet) Person { return pet.Owner },
- func(person Person, pets []Pet) Group { return Group{Key: person, Group: From(pets).Results()} },
- ).
- SelectManyByT(
- func(g Group) Query { return From(g.Group).DefaultIfEmpty(Pet{}) },
- func(pet Pet, group Group) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", group.Key.(Person).FirstName, pet.Name)
- },
- ).
- ToSlice(&results)
- for _, s := range results {
- fmt.Println(s)
- }
- // Output:
- // Magnus: Daisy
- // Terry: Barley
- // Terry: Boots
- // Terry: Blue Moon
- // Charlotte: Whiskers
- // Arlene:
-//The following code example demonstrates how to use Distinct
-//to return distinct elements from a slice of integers.
-func ExampleQuery_Distinct() {
- ages := []int{21, 46, 46, 55, 17, 21, 55, 55}
- var distinctAges []int
- From(ages).
- Distinct().
- ToSlice(&distinctAges)
- fmt.Println(distinctAges)
- // Output:
- // [21 46 55 17]
-// The following code example demonstrates how to
-// use DistinctBy to return distinct elements from a ordered slice of elements.
-func ExampleQuery_DistinctBy() {
- type Product struct {
- Name string
- Code int
- }
- products := []Product{
- {Name: "orange", Code: 4},
- {Name: "apple", Code: 9},
- {Name: "lemon", Code: 12},
- {Name: "apple", Code: 9},
- }
- //Order and exclude duplicates.
- var noduplicates []Product
- From(products).
- DistinctBy(
- func(item interface{}) interface{} { return item.(Product).Code },
- ).
- ToSlice(&noduplicates)
- for _, product := range noduplicates {
- fmt.Printf("%s %d\n", product.Name, product.Code)
- }
- // Output:
- // orange 4
- // apple 9
- // lemon 12
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use the Except
-// method to compare two slices of numbers and return elements
-// that appear only in the first slice.
-func ExampleQuery_Except() {
- numbers1 := []float32{2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5}
- numbers2 := []float32{2.2}
- var onlyInFirstSet []float32
- From(numbers1).
- Except(From(numbers2)).
- ToSlice(&onlyInFirstSet)
- for _, number := range onlyInFirstSet {
- fmt.Println(number)
- }
- // Output:
- //2
- //2.1
- //2.3
- //2.4
- //2.5
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use the Except
-// method to compare two slices of numbers and return elements
-// that appear only in the first slice.
-func ExampleQuery_ExceptBy() {
- type Product struct {
- Name string
- Code int
- }
- fruits1 := []Product{
- {Name: "orange", Code: 4},
- {Name: "apple", Code: 9},
- {Name: "lemon", Code: 12},
- {Name: "apple", Code: 9},
- }
- fruits2 := []Product{
- {Name: "apple", Code: 9},
- }
- //Order and exclude duplicates.
- var except []Product
- From(fruits1).
- ExceptBy(From(fruits2),
- func(item interface{}) interface{} { return item.(Product).Code },
- ).
- ToSlice(&except)
- for _, product := range except {
- fmt.Printf("%s %d\n", product.Name, product.Code)
- }
- // Output:
- // orange 4
- // lemon 12
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use First
-// to return the first element of an array.
-func ExampleQuery_First() {
- numbers := []int{9, 34, 65, 92, 87, 435, 3, 54, 83, 23, 87, 435, 67, 12, 19}
- first := From(numbers).First()
- fmt.Println(first)
- // Output:
- // 9
-//The following code example demonstrates how to use FirstWith
-// to return the first element of an array that satisfies a condition.
-func ExampleQuery_FirstWith() {
- numbers := []int{9, 34, 65, 92, 87, 435, 3, 54, 83, 23, 87, 435, 67, 12, 19}
- first := From(numbers).
- FirstWith(
- func(item interface{}) bool { return item.(int) > 80 },
- )
- fmt.Println(first)
- // Output:
- // 92
-//The following code example demonstrates how to use Intersect
-//to return the elements that appear in each of two slices of integers.
-func ExampleQuery_Intersect() {
- id1 := []int{44, 26, 92, 30, 71, 38}
- id2 := []int{39, 59, 83, 47, 26, 4, 30}
- var both []int
- From(id1).
- Intersect(From(id2)).
- ToSlice(&both)
- for _, id := range both {
- fmt.Println(id)
- }
- // Output:
- // 26
- // 30
-//The following code example demonstrates how to use IntersectBy
-//to return the elements that appear in each of two slices of products with same Code.
-func ExampleQuery_IntersectBy() {
- type Product struct {
- Name string
- Code int
- }
- store1 := []Product{
- {Name: "orange", Code: 4},
- {Name: "apple", Code: 9},
- }
- store2 := []Product{
- {Name: "lemon", Code: 12},
- {Name: "apple", Code: 9},
- }
- var duplicates []Product
- From(store1).
- IntersectBy(From(store2),
- func(p interface{}) interface{} { return p.(Product).Code },
- ).
- ToSlice(&duplicates)
- for _, p := range duplicates {
- fmt.Println(p.Name, "", p.Code)
- }
- // Output:
- // apple 9
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use Last
-// to return the last element of an array.
-func ExampleQuery_Last() {
- numbers := []int{9, 34, 65, 92, 87, 435, 3, 54,
- 83, 23, 87, 67, 12, 19}
- last := From(numbers).Last()
- fmt.Println(last)
- //Output:
- //19
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use LastWith
-// to return the last element of an array.
-func ExampleQuery_LastWith() {
- numbers := []int{9, 34, 65, 92, 87, 435, 3, 54,
- 83, 23, 87, 67, 12, 19}
- last := From(numbers).
- LastWith(
- func(n interface{}) bool { return n.(int) > 80 },
- )
- fmt.Println(last)
- //Output:
- //87
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use Max
-// to determine the maximum value in a slice.
-func ExampleQuery_Max() {
- numbers := []int64{4294967296, 466855135, 81125}
- last := From(numbers).Max()
- fmt.Println(last)
- //Output:
- //4294967296
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use Min
-// to determine the minimum value in a slice.
-func ExampleQuery_Min() {
- grades := []int{78, 92, 99, 37, 81}
- min := From(grades).Min()
- fmt.Println(min)
- //Output:
- //37
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use OrderByDescending
-// to sort the elements of a slice in descending order by using a selector function
-func ExampleQuery_OrderByDescending() {
- names := []string{"Ned", "Ben", "Susan"}
- var result []string
- From(names).
- OrderByDescending(
- func(n interface{}) interface{} { return n },
- ).ToSlice(&result)
- fmt.Println(result)
- // Output:
- // [Susan Ned Ben]
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use ThenByDescending to perform
-// a secondary ordering of the elements in a slice in descending order.
-func ExampleOrderedQuery_ThenByDescending() {
- fruits := []string{"apPLe", "baNanA", "apple", "APple", "orange", "BAnana", "ORANGE", "apPLE"}
- // Sort the strings first ascending by their length and
- // then descending using a custom case insensitive comparer.
- var query []string
- From(fruits).
- OrderBy(
- func(fruit interface{}) interface{} { return len(fruit.(string)) },
- ).
- ThenByDescending(
- func(fruit interface{}) interface{} { return fruit.(string)[0] },
- ).
- ToSlice(&query)
- for _, fruit := range query {
- fmt.Println(fruit)
- }
- // Output:
- // apPLe
- // apPLE
- // apple
- // APple
- // orange
- // baNanA
- // BAnana
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use Concat
-// to concatenate two slices.
-func ExampleQuery_Concat() {
- q := From([]int{1, 2, 3}).
- Concat(From([]int{4, 5, 6}))
- fmt.Println(q.Results())
- // Output:
- // [1 2 3 4 5 6]
-func ExampleQuery_GroupBy() {
- input := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
- q := From(input).GroupBy(
- func(i interface{}) interface{} { return i.(int) % 2 },
- func(i interface{}) interface{} { return i.(int) })
- fmt.Println(q.OrderBy(func(i interface{}) interface{} {
- return i.(Group).Key
- }).Results())
- // Output:
- // [{0 [2 4 6 8]} {1 [1 3 5 7 9]}]
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use GroupJoin
-// to perform a grouped join on two slices
-func ExampleQuery_GroupJoin() {
- fruits := []string{
- "apple",
- "banana",
- "apricot",
- "cherry",
- "clementine",
- }
- q := FromString("abc").
- GroupJoin(From(fruits),
- func(i interface{}) interface{} { return i },
- func(i interface{}) interface{} { return []rune(i.(string))[0] },
- func(outer interface{}, inners []interface{}) interface{} {
- return KeyValue{string(outer.(rune)), inners}
- },
- )
- fmt.Println(q.Results())
- // Output:
- // [{a [apple apricot]} {b [banana]} {c [cherry clementine]}]
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use IndexOf
-// to retrieve the position of an item in the array and then
-// update that item.
-func ExampleQuery_IndexOf() {
- type Item struct {
- ID uint64
- Name string
- }
- items := []Item{
- {
- ID: 1,
- Name: "Joe",
- },
- {
- ID: 2,
- Name: "Bob",
- },
- {
- ID: 3,
- Name: "Rickster",
- },
- {
- ID: 4,
- Name: "Jim",
- },
- }
- index := From(items).IndexOf(func(i interface{}) bool {
- item, ok := i.(Item)
- return ok && item.Name == "Rickster"
- })
- if index >= 0 {
- // We found the item in the array. Change the name using the index.
- items[index].Name = "Joshua"
- fmt.Println("Item found at:", index, "new name:", items[index].Name)
- }
- // Output:
- // Item found at: 2 new name: Joshua
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use Join
-// to perform an inner join of two slices based on a common key.
-func ExampleQuery_Join() {
- fruits := []string{
- "apple",
- "banana",
- "apricot",
- "cherry",
- "clementine",
- }
- q := Range(1, 10).
- Join(From(fruits),
- func(i interface{}) interface{} { return i },
- func(i interface{}) interface{} { return len(i.(string)) },
- func(outer interface{}, inner interface{}) interface{} {
- return KeyValue{outer, inner}
- },
- )
- fmt.Println(q.Results())
- // Output:
- // [{5 apple} {6 banana} {6 cherry} {7 apricot} {10 clementine}]
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use OrderBy
-// to sort the elements of a slice.
-func ExampleQuery_OrderBy() {
- q := Range(1, 10).
- OrderBy(
- func(i interface{}) interface{} { return i.(int) % 2 },
- ).
- ThenByDescending(
- func(i interface{}) interface{} { return i },
- )
- fmt.Println(q.Results())
- // Output:
- // [10 8 6 4 2 9 7 5 3 1]
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use Prepend
-// to include an elements in the first position of a slice.
-func ExampleQuery_Prepend() {
- input := []int{2, 3, 4, 5}
- q := From(input).Prepend(1)
- first := q.First()
- fmt.Println(first)
- // Output:
- // 1
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use Reverse
-// to reverse the order of elements in a string.
-func ExampleQuery_Reverse() {
- input := "apple"
- var output []rune
- From(input).
- Reverse().
- ToSlice(&output)
- fmt.Println(string(output))
- // Output:
- // elppa
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use Select
-// to project over a slice of values.
-func ExampleQuery_Select() {
- squares := []int{}
- Range(1, 10).
- Select(
- func(x interface{}) interface{} { return x.(int) * x.(int) },
- ).
- ToSlice(&squares)
- fmt.Println(squares)
- // Output:
- // [1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100]
-func ExampleQuery_SelectMany() {
- input := [][]int{{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6, 7}}
- q := From(input).
- SelectMany(
- func(i interface{}) Query { return From(i) },
- )
- fmt.Println(q.Results())
- // Output:
- // [1 2 3 4 5 6 7]
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use Select
-// to project over a slice of values and use the index of each element.
-func ExampleQuery_SelectIndexed() {
- fruits := []string{"apple", "banana", "mango", "orange", "passionfruit", "grape"}
- result := []string{}
- From(fruits).
- SelectIndexed(
- func(index int, fruit interface{}) interface{} { return fruit.(string)[:index] },
- ).
- ToSlice(&result)
- fmt.Println(result)
- // Output:
- // [ b ma ora pass grape]
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use SelectManyByIndexed
-// to perform a one-to-many projection over an array and use the index of each outer element.
-func ExampleQuery_SelectManyByIndexed() {
- type Pet struct {
- Name string
- }
- type Person struct {
- Name string
- Pets []Pet
- }
- magnus := Person{
- Name: "Hedlund, Magnus",
- Pets: []Pet{{Name: "Daisy"}},
- }
- terry := Person{
- Name: "Adams, Terry",
- Pets: []Pet{{Name: "Barley"}, {Name: "Boots"}},
- }
- charlotte := Person{
- Name: "Weiss, Charlotte",
- Pets: []Pet{{Name: "Whiskers"}},
- }
- people := []Person{magnus, terry, charlotte}
- var results []string
- From(people).
- SelectManyByIndexed(
- func(index int, person interface{}) Query {
- return From(person.(Person).Pets).
- Select(func(pet interface{}) interface{} {
- return fmt.Sprintf("%d - %s", index, pet.(Pet).Name)
- })
- },
- func(indexedPet, person interface{}) interface{} {
- return fmt.Sprintf("Pet: %s, Owner: %s", indexedPet, person.(Person).Name)
- },
- ).
- ToSlice(&results)
- for _, result := range results {
- fmt.Println(result)
- }
- // Output:
- // Pet: 0 - Daisy, Owner: Hedlund, Magnus
- // Pet: 1 - Barley, Owner: Adams, Terry
- // Pet: 1 - Boots, Owner: Adams, Terry
- // Pet: 2 - Whiskers, Owner: Weiss, Charlotte
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use SelectManyIndexed
-// to perform a one-to-many projection over an slice of log data and print out their contents.
-func ExampleQuery_SelectManyIndexed() {
- type LogFile struct {
- Name string
- Lines []string
- }
- file1 := LogFile{
- Name: "file1.log",
- Lines: []string{
- "INFO: 2013/11/05 18:11:01 main.go:44: Special Information",
- "WARNING: 2013/11/05 18:11:01 main.go:45: There is something you need to know about",
- "ERROR: 2013/11/05 18:11:01 main.go:46: Something has failed",
- },
- }
- file2 := LogFile{
- Name: "file2.log",
- Lines: []string{
- "INFO: 2013/11/05 18:11:01 main.go:46: Everything is ok",
- },
- }
- file3 := LogFile{
- Name: "file3.log",
- Lines: []string{
- "2013/11/05 18:42:26 Hello World",
- },
- }
- logFiles := []LogFile{file1, file2, file3}
- var results []string
- From(logFiles).
- SelectManyIndexedT(func(fileIndex int, file LogFile) Query {
- return From(file.Lines).
- SelectIndexedT(func(lineIndex int, line string) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("File:[%d] - %s => line: %d - %s", fileIndex+1, file.Name, lineIndex+1, line)
- })
- }).
- ToSlice(&results)
- for _, result := range results {
- fmt.Println(result)
- }
- // Output:
- // File:[1] - file1.log => line: 1 - INFO: 2013/11/05 18:11:01 main.go:44: Special Information
- // File:[1] - file1.log => line: 2 - WARNING: 2013/11/05 18:11:01 main.go:45: There is something you need to know about
- // File:[1] - file1.log => line: 3 - ERROR: 2013/11/05 18:11:01 main.go:46: Something has failed
- // File:[2] - file2.log => line: 1 - INFO: 2013/11/05 18:11:01 main.go:46: Everything is ok
- // File:[3] - file3.log => line: 1 - 2013/11/05 18:42:26 Hello World
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use SelectMany
-// to perform a one-to-many projection over a slice
-func ExampleQuery_SelectManyBy() {
- type Pet struct {
- Name string
- }
- type Person struct {
- Name string
- Pets []Pet
- }
- magnus := Person{
- Name: "Hedlund, Magnus",
- Pets: []Pet{{Name: "Daisy"}},
- }
- terry := Person{
- Name: "Adams, Terry",
- Pets: []Pet{{Name: "Barley"}, {Name: "Boots"}},
- }
- charlotte := Person{
- Name: "Weiss, Charlotte",
- Pets: []Pet{{Name: "Whiskers"}},
- }
- people := []Person{magnus, terry, charlotte}
- var results []string
- From(people).
- SelectManyBy(
- func(person interface{}) Query { return From(person.(Person).Pets) },
- func(pet, person interface{}) interface{} {
- return fmt.Sprintf("Owner: %s, Pet: %s", person.(Person).Name, pet.(Pet).Name)
- },
- ).
- ToSlice(&results)
- for _, result := range results {
- fmt.Println(result)
- }
- // Output:
- // Owner: Hedlund, Magnus, Pet: Daisy
- // Owner: Adams, Terry, Pet: Barley
- // Owner: Adams, Terry, Pet: Boots
- // Owner: Weiss, Charlotte, Pet: Whiskers
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use SequenceEqual
-// to determine whether two slices are equal.
-func ExampleQuery_SequenceEqual() {
- type Pet struct {
- Name string
- Age int
- }
- pets1 := []Pet{
- {Name: "Barley", Age: 8},
- {Name: "Boots", Age: 4},
- {Name: "Whiskers", Age: 1},
- {Name: "Daisy", Age: 4},
- }
- pets2 := []Pet{
- {Name: "Barley", Age: 8},
- {Name: "Boots", Age: 4},
- {Name: "Whiskers", Age: 1},
- {Name: "Daisy", Age: 4},
- }
- equal := From(pets1).SequenceEqual(From(pets2))
- fmt.Printf("Are the lists equals? %t", equal)
- // Output:
- // Are the lists equals? true
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use Single
-// to select the only element of a slice.
-func ExampleQuery_Single() {
- fruits1 := []string{"orange"}
- fruit1 := From(fruits1).Single()
- fmt.Println(fruit1)
- // Output:
- // orange
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use SingleWith
-// to select the only element of a slice that satisfies a condition.
-func ExampleQuery_SingleWith() {
- fruits := []string{"apple", "banana", "mango", "orange", "passionfruit", "grape"}
- fruit := From(fruits).
- SingleWith(
- func(f interface{}) bool { return len(f.(string)) > 10 },
- )
- fmt.Println(fruit)
- // Output:
- // passionfruit
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use Skip
-// to skip a specified number of elements in a sorted array
-// and return the remaining elements.
-func ExampleQuery_Skip() {
- grades := []int{59, 82, 70, 56, 92, 98, 85}
- var lowerGrades []int
- From(grades).
- OrderByDescending(
- func(g interface{}) interface{} { return g },
- ).
- Skip(3).
- ToSlice(&lowerGrades)
- //All grades except the top three are:
- fmt.Println(lowerGrades)
- // Output:
- // [82 70 59 56]
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use SkipWhile
-// to skip elements of an array as long as a condition is true.
-func ExampleQuery_SkipWhile() {
- grades := []int{59, 82, 70, 56, 92, 98, 85}
- var lowerGrades []int
- From(grades).
- OrderByDescending(
- func(g interface{}) interface{} { return g },
- ).
- SkipWhile(
- func(g interface{}) bool { return g.(int) >= 80 },
- ).
- ToSlice(&lowerGrades)
- // All grades below 80:
- fmt.Println(lowerGrades)
- // Output:
- // [70 59 56]
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use SkipWhileIndexed
-// to skip elements of an array as long as a condition that depends
-// on the element's index is true.
-func ExampleQuery_SkipWhileIndexed() {
- amounts := []int{5000, 2500, 9000, 8000, 6500, 4000, 1500, 5500}
- var query []int
- From(amounts).
- SkipWhileIndexed(
- func(index int, amount interface{}) bool { return amount.(int) > index*1000 },
- ).
- ToSlice(&query)
- fmt.Println(query)
- // Output:
- // [4000 1500 5500]
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use Sort
-// to order elements of an slice.
-func ExampleQuery_Sort() {
- amounts := []int{5000, 2500, 9000, 8000, 6500, 4000, 1500, 5500}
- var query []int
- From(amounts).
- Sort(
- func(i interface{}, j interface{}) bool { return i.(int) < j.(int) },
- ).
- ToSlice(&query)
- fmt.Println(query)
- // Output:
- // [1500 2500 4000 5000 5500 6500 8000 9000]
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use SumFloats
-// to sum the values of a slice.
-func ExampleQuery_SumFloats() {
- numbers := []float64{43.68, 1.25, 583.7, 6.5}
- sum := From(numbers).SumFloats()
- fmt.Printf("The sum of the numbers is %f.", sum)
- // Output:
- // The sum of the numbers is 635.130000.
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use SumInts
-// to sum the values of a slice.
-func ExampleQuery_SumInts() {
- numbers := []int{43, 1, 583, 6}
- sum := From(numbers).SumInts()
- fmt.Printf("The sum of the numbers is %d.", sum)
- // Output:
- // The sum of the numbers is 633.
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use SumUInts
-// to sum the values of a slice.
-func ExampleQuery_SumUInts() {
- numbers := []uint{43, 1, 583, 6}
- sum := From(numbers).SumUInts()
- fmt.Printf("The sum of the numbers is %d.", sum)
- // Output:
- // The sum of the numbers is 633.
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use Take
-// to return elements from the start of a slice.
-func ExampleQuery_Take() {
- grades := []int{59, 82, 70, 56, 92, 98, 85}
- var topThreeGrades []int
- From(grades).
- OrderByDescending(
- func(grade interface{}) interface{} { return grade },
- ).
- Take(3).
- ToSlice(&topThreeGrades)
- fmt.Printf("The top three grades are: %v", topThreeGrades)
- // Output:
- // The top three grades are: [98 92 85]
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use TakeWhile
-// to return elements from the start of a slice.
-func ExampleQuery_TakeWhile() {
- fruits := []string{"apple", "banana", "mango", "orange", "passionfruit", "grape"}
- var query []string
- From(fruits).
- TakeWhile(
- func(fruit interface{}) bool { return fruit.(string) != "orange" },
- ).
- ToSlice(&query)
- fmt.Println(query)
- // Output:
- // [apple banana mango]
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use TakeWhileIndexed
-// to return elements from the start of a slice as long as
-// a condition that uses the element's index is true.
-func ExampleQuery_TakeWhileIndexed() {
- fruits := []string{"apple", "passionfruit", "banana", "mango",
- "orange", "blueberry", "grape", "strawberry"}
- var query []string
- From(fruits).
- TakeWhileIndexed(
- func(index int, fruit interface{}) bool { return len(fruit.(string)) >= index },
- ).
- ToSlice(&query)
- fmt.Println(query)
- // Output:
- // [apple passionfruit banana mango orange blueberry]
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use ToChannel
-// to send a slice to a channel.
-func ExampleQuery_ToChannel() {
- c := make(chan interface{})
- go func() {
- Repeat(10, 3).ToChannel(c)
- }()
- for i := range c {
- fmt.Println(i)
- }
- // Output:
- // 10
- // 10
- // 10
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use ToChannelT
-// to send a slice to a typed channel.
-func ExampleQuery_ToChannelT() {
- c := make(chan string)
- go Repeat("ten", 3).ToChannelT(c)
- for i := range c {
- fmt.Println(i)
- }
- // Output:
- // ten
- // ten
- // ten
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use ToMap to populate a map.
-func ExampleQuery_ToMap() {
- type Product struct {
- Name string
- Code int
- }
- products := []Product{
- {Name: "orange", Code: 4},
- {Name: "apple", Code: 9},
- {Name: "lemon", Code: 12},
- {Name: "apple", Code: 9},
- }
- map1 := map[int]string{}
- From(products).
- SelectT(
- func(item Product) KeyValue { return KeyValue{Key: item.Code, Value: item.Name} },
- ).
- ToMap(&map1)
- fmt.Println(map1[4])
- fmt.Println(map1[9])
- fmt.Println(map1[12])
- // Output:
- // orange
- // apple
- // lemon
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use ToMapBy
-// by using a key and value selectors to populate a map.
-func ExampleQuery_ToMapBy() {
- input := [][]interface{}{{1, true}}
- result := make(map[int]bool)
- From(input).
- ToMapBy(&result,
- func(i interface{}) interface{} {
- return i.([]interface{})[0]
- },
- func(i interface{}) interface{} {
- return i.([]interface{})[1]
- },
- )
- fmt.Println(result)
- // Output:
- // map[1:true]
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use ToSlice to populate a slice.
-func ExampleQuery_ToSlice() {
- var result []int
- Range(1, 10).ToSlice(&result)
- fmt.Println(result)
- // Output:
- // [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use Union
-// to obtain the union of two slices of integers.
-func ExampleQuery_Union() {
- q := Range(1, 10).Union(Range(6, 10))
- fmt.Println(q.Results())
- // Output:
- // [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15]
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use Where
-// to filter a slices.
-func ExampleQuery_Where() {
- fruits := []string{"apple", "passionfruit", "banana", "mango",
- "orange", "blueberry", "grape", "strawberry"}
- var query []string
- From(fruits).
- Where(
- func(f interface{}) bool { return len(f.(string)) > 6 },
- ).
- ToSlice(&query)
- fmt.Println(query)
- // Output:
- // [passionfruit blueberry strawberry]
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use WhereIndexed
-// to filter a slice based on a predicate that involves the index of each element.
-func ExampleQuery_WhereIndexed() {
- numbers := []int{0, 30, 20, 15, 90, 85, 40, 75}
- var query []int
- From(numbers).
- WhereIndexed(
- func(index int, number interface{}) bool { return number.(int) <= index*10 },
- ).
- ToSlice(&query)
- fmt.Println(query)
- // Output:
- // [0 20 15 40]
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use the Zip
-// method to merge two slices.
-func ExampleQuery_Zip() {
- number := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
- words := []string{"one", "two", "three"}
- q := From(number).
- Zip(From(words),
- func(a interface{}, b interface{}) interface{} { return []interface{}{a, b} },
- )
- fmt.Println(q.Results())
- // Output:
- // [[1 one] [2 two] [3 three]]
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use ThenByDescendingT to perform
-// a order in a slice of dates by year, and then by month descending.
-func ExampleOrderedQuery_ThenByDescendingT() {
- dates := []time.Time{
- time.Date(2015, 3, 23, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.Local),
- time.Date(2014, 7, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.Local),
- time.Date(2013, 5, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.Local),
- time.Date(2015, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.Local),
- time.Date(2015, 7, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.Local),
- }
- var orderedDates []time.Time
- From(dates).
- OrderByT(
- func(date time.Time) int {
- return date.Year()
- }).
- ThenByDescendingT(
- func(date time.Time) int { return int(date.Month()) },
- ).
- ToSlice(&orderedDates)
- for _, date := range orderedDates {
- fmt.Println(date.Format("2006-Jan-02"))
- }
- // Output:
- // 2013-May-04
- // 2014-Jul-11
- // 2015-Jul-10
- // 2015-Mar-23
- // 2015-Jan-02
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use ThenByT to perform
-// a orders in a slice of dates by year, and then by day.
-func ExampleOrderedQuery_ThenByT() {
- dates := []time.Time{
- time.Date(2015, 3, 23, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.Local),
- time.Date(2014, 7, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.Local),
- time.Date(2013, 5, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.Local),
- time.Date(2015, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.Local),
- time.Date(2015, 7, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.Local),
- }
- var orderedDates []time.Time
- From(dates).
- OrderByT(
- func(date time.Time) int { return date.Year() },
- ).
- ThenByT(
- func(date time.Time) int { return int(date.Day()) },
- ).
- ToSlice(&orderedDates)
- for _, date := range orderedDates {
- fmt.Println(date.Format("2006-Jan-02"))
- }
- // Output:
- // 2013-May-04
- // 2014-Jul-11
- // 2015-Jan-02
- // 2015-Jul-10
- // 2015-Mar-23
-// The following code example demonstrates how to reverse
-// the order of words in a string using AggregateT.
-func ExampleQuery_AggregateT() {
- sentence := "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
- // Split the string into individual words.
- words := strings.Split(sentence, " ")
- // Prepend each word to the beginning of the
- // new sentence to reverse the word order.
- reversed := From(words).AggregateT(
- func(workingSentence string, next string) string { return next + " " + workingSentence },
- )
- fmt.Println(reversed)
- // Output:
- // dog lazy the over jumps fox brown quick the
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use AggregateWithSeed function
-func ExampleQuery_AggregateWithSeedT() {
- fruits := []string{"apple", "mango", "orange", "passionfruit", "grape"}
- // Determine whether any string in the array is longer than "banana".
- longestName := From(fruits).
- AggregateWithSeedT("banana",
- func(longest, next string) string {
- if len(next) > len(longest) {
- return next
- }
- return longest
- },
- )
- fmt.Printf("The fruit with the longest name is %s.", longestName)
- // Output:
- // The fruit with the longest name is passionfruit.
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use AggregateWithSeedByT function
-func ExampleQuery_AggregateWithSeedByT() {
- input := []string{"apple", "mango", "orange", "passionfruit", "grape"}
- // Determine whether any string in the array is longer than "banana".
- longestName := From(input).AggregateWithSeedByT("banana",
- func(longest string, next string) string {
- if len(longest) > len(next) {
- return longest
- }
- return next
- },
- // Return the final result
- func(result string) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("The fruit with the longest name is %s.", result)
- },
- )
- fmt.Println(longestName)
- // Output:
- // The fruit with the longest name is passionfruit.
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use AllT
-// to get the students having all marks greater than 70.
-func ExampleQuery_AllT() {
- type Student struct {
- Name string
- Marks []int
- }
- students := []Student{
- {Name: "Hugo", Marks: []int{91, 88, 76, 93}},
- {Name: "Rick", Marks: []int{70, 73, 66, 90}},
- {Name: "Michael", Marks: []int{73, 80, 75, 88}},
- {Name: "Fadi", Marks: []int{82, 75, 66, 84}},
- {Name: "Peter", Marks: []int{67, 78, 70, 82}},
- }
- var approvedStudents []Student
- From(students).
- WhereT(
- func(student Student) bool {
- return From(student.Marks).
- AllT(
- func(mark int) bool { return mark > 70 },
- )
- },
- ).
- ToSlice(&approvedStudents)
- //List of approved students
- for _, student := range approvedStudents {
- fmt.Println(student.Name)
- }
- // Output:
- // Hugo
- // Michael
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use AnyWithT
-// to get the students with any mark lower than 70.
-func ExampleQuery_AnyWithT() {
- type Student struct {
- Name string
- Marks []int
- }
- students := []Student{
- {Name: "Hugo", Marks: []int{91, 88, 76, 93}},
- {Name: "Rick", Marks: []int{70, 73, 66, 90}},
- {Name: "Michael", Marks: []int{73, 80, 75, 88}},
- {Name: "Fadi", Marks: []int{82, 75, 66, 84}},
- {Name: "Peter", Marks: []int{67, 78, 70, 82}},
- }
- var studentsWithAnyMarkLt70 []Student
- From(students).
- WhereT(
- func(student Student) bool {
- return From(student.Marks).
- AnyWithT(
- func(mark int) bool { return mark < 70 },
- )
- },
- ).
- ToSlice(&studentsWithAnyMarkLt70)
- //List of students with any mark lower than 70
- for _, student := range studentsWithAnyMarkLt70 {
- fmt.Println(student.Name)
- }
- // Output:
- // Rick
- // Fadi
- // Peter
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use CountWithT
-// to count the elements in an slice that satisfy a condition.
-func ExampleQuery_CountWithT() {
- type Pet struct {
- Name string
- Vaccinated bool
- }
- pets := []Pet{
- {Name: "Barley", Vaccinated: true},
- {Name: "Boots", Vaccinated: false},
- {Name: "Whiskers", Vaccinated: false},
- }
- numberUnvaccinated := From(pets).
- CountWithT(
- func(p Pet) bool { return p.Vaccinated == false },
- )
- fmt.Printf("There are %d unvaccinated animals.", numberUnvaccinated)
- //Output:
- //There are 2 unvaccinated animals.
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use DistinctByT
-// to return distinct elements from a slice of structs.
-func ExampleQuery_DistinctByT() {
- type Product struct {
- Name string
- Code int
- }
- products := []Product{
- {Name: "apple", Code: 9},
- {Name: "orange", Code: 4},
- {Name: "apple", Code: 9},
- {Name: "lemon", Code: 12},
- }
- //Exclude duplicates.
- var noduplicates []Product
- From(products).
- DistinctByT(
- func(item Product) int { return item.Code },
- ).
- ToSlice(&noduplicates)
- for _, product := range noduplicates {
- fmt.Printf("%s %d\n", product.Name, product.Code)
- }
- // Output:
- // apple 9
- // orange 4
- // lemon 12
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use ExceptByT
-func ExampleQuery_ExceptByT() {
- type Product struct {
- Name string
- Code int
- }
- fruits1 := []Product{
- {Name: "orange", Code: 4},
- {Name: "apple", Code: 9},
- {Name: "lemon", Code: 12},
- {Name: "apple", Code: 9},
- }
- fruits2 := []Product{
- {Name: "apple", Code: 9},
- }
- //Order and exclude duplicates.
- var except []Product
- From(fruits1).
- ExceptByT(From(fruits2),
- func(item Product) int { return item.Code },
- ).
- ToSlice(&except)
- for _, product := range except {
- fmt.Printf("%s %d\n", product.Name, product.Code)
- }
- // Output:
- // orange 4
- // lemon 12
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use FirstWithT
-// to return the first element of an array that satisfies a condition.
-func ExampleQuery_FirstWithT() {
- numbers := []int{9, 34, 65, 92, 87, 435, 3, 54, 83, 23, 87, 435, 67, 12, 19}
- first := From(numbers).
- FirstWithT(
- func(item int) bool { return item > 80 },
- )
- fmt.Println(first)
- // Output:
- // 92
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use ForEach
-// to output all elements of an array.
-func ExampleQuery_ForEach() {
- fruits := []string{"orange", "apple", "lemon", "apple"}
- From(fruits).ForEach(func(fruit interface{}) {
- fmt.Println(fruit)
- })
- // Output:
- // orange
- // apple
- // lemon
- // apple
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use ForEachIndexed
-// to output all elements of an array with its index.
-func ExampleQuery_ForEachIndexed() {
- fruits := []string{"orange", "apple", "lemon", "apple"}
- From(fruits).ForEachIndexed(func(i int, fruit interface{}) {
- fmt.Printf("%d.%s\n", i, fruit)
- })
- // Output:
- // 0.orange
- // 1.apple
- // 2.lemon
- // 3.apple
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use ForEachT
-// to output all elements of an array.
-func ExampleQuery_ForEachT() {
- fruits := []string{"orange", "apple", "lemon", "apple"}
- From(fruits).ForEachT(func(fruit string) {
- fmt.Println(fruit)
- })
- // Output:
- // orange
- // apple
- // lemon
- // apple
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use ForEachIndexedT
-// to output all elements of an array with its index.
-func ExampleQuery_ForEachIndexedT() {
- fruits := []string{"orange", "apple", "lemon", "apple"}
- From(fruits).ForEachIndexedT(func(i int, fruit string) {
- fmt.Printf("%d.%s\n", i, fruit)
- })
- // Output:
- // 0.orange
- // 1.apple
- // 2.lemon
- // 3.apple
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use GroupByT
-// to group the elements of a slice.
-func ExampleQuery_GroupByT() {
- type Pet struct {
- Name string
- Age int
- }
- // Create a list of pets.
- pets := []Pet{
- {Name: "Barley", Age: 8},
- {Name: "Boots", Age: 4},
- {Name: "Whiskers", Age: 1},
- {Name: "Daisy", Age: 4},
- }
- // Group the pets using Age as the key value
- // and selecting only the pet's Name for each value.
- var query []Group
- From(pets).GroupByT(
- func(p Pet) int { return p.Age },
- func(p Pet) string { return p.Name },
- ).OrderByT(
- func(g Group) int { return g.Key.(int) },
- ).ToSlice(&query)
- for _, petGroup := range query {
- fmt.Printf("%d\n", petGroup.Key)
- for _, petName := range petGroup.Group {
- fmt.Printf(" %s\n", petName)
- }
- }
- // Output:
- // 1
- // Whiskers
- // 4
- // Boots
- // Daisy
- // 8
- // Barley
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use GroupJoinT
-// to perform a grouped join on two slices.
-func ExampleQuery_GroupJoinT() {
- type Person struct {
- Name string
- }
- type Pet struct {
- Name string
- Owner Person
- }
- magnus := Person{Name: "Hedlund, Magnus"}
- terry := Person{Name: "Adams, Terry"}
- charlotte := Person{Name: "Weiss, Charlotte"}
- barley := Pet{Name: "Barley", Owner: terry}
- boots := Pet{Name: "Boots", Owner: terry}
- whiskers := Pet{Name: "Whiskers", Owner: charlotte}
- daisy := Pet{Name: "Daisy", Owner: magnus}
- people := []Person{magnus, terry, charlotte}
- pets := []Pet{barley, boots, whiskers, daisy}
- // Create a slice where each element is a KeyValue
- // that contains a person's name as the key and a slice of strings
- // of names of the pets they own as a value.
- q := []KeyValue{}
- From(people).
- GroupJoinT(From(pets),
- func(p Person) Person { return p },
- func(p Pet) Person { return p.Owner },
- func(person Person, pets []Pet) KeyValue {
- var petNames []string
- From(pets).
- SelectT(
- func(pet Pet) string { return pet.Name },
- ).
- ToSlice(&petNames)
- return KeyValue{person.Name, petNames}
- },
- ).ToSlice(&q)
- for _, obj := range q {
- // Output the owner's name.
- fmt.Printf("%s:\n", obj.Key)
- // Output each of the owner's pet's names.
- for _, petName := range obj.Value.([]string) {
- fmt.Printf(" %s\n", petName)
- }
- }
- // Output:
- // Hedlund, Magnus:
- // Daisy
- // Adams, Terry:
- // Barley
- // Boots
- // Weiss, Charlotte:
- // Whiskers
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use IntersectByT
-// to return the elements that appear in each of two slices of products
-// with same Code.
-func ExampleQuery_IntersectByT() {
- type Product struct {
- Name string
- Code int
- }
- store1 := []Product{
- {Name: "orange", Code: 4},
- {Name: "apple", Code: 9},
- }
- store2 := []Product{
- {Name: "lemon", Code: 12},
- {Name: "apple", Code: 9},
- }
- var duplicates []Product
- From(store1).
- IntersectByT(From(store2),
- func(p Product) int { return p.Code },
- ).
- ToSlice(&duplicates)
- for _, p := range duplicates {
- fmt.Println(p.Name, "", p.Code)
- }
- // Output:
- // apple 9
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use JoinT
-// to perform an inner join of two slices based on a common key.
-func ExampleQuery_JoinT() {
- type Person struct {
- Name string
- }
- type Pet struct {
- Name string
- Owner Person
- }
- magnus := Person{Name: "Hedlund, Magnus"}
- terry := Person{Name: "Adams, Terry"}
- charlotte := Person{Name: "Weiss, Charlotte"}
- barley := Pet{Name: "Barley", Owner: terry}
- boots := Pet{Name: "Boots", Owner: terry}
- whiskers := Pet{Name: "Whiskers", Owner: charlotte}
- daisy := Pet{Name: "Daisy", Owner: magnus}
- people := []Person{magnus, terry, charlotte}
- pets := []Pet{barley, boots, whiskers, daisy}
- // Create a list of Person-Pet pairs where
- // each element is an anonymous type that contains a
- // Pet's name and the name of the Person that owns the Pet.
- query := []string{}
- From(people).
- JoinT(From(pets),
- func(person Person) Person { return person },
- func(pet Pet) Person { return pet.Owner },
- func(person Person, pet Pet) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s - %s", person.Name, pet.Name) },
- ).ToSlice(&query)
- for _, line := range query {
- fmt.Println(line)
- }
- //Output:
- //Hedlund, Magnus - Daisy
- //Adams, Terry - Barley
- //Adams, Terry - Boots
- //Weiss, Charlotte - Whiskers
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use LastWithT
-// to return the last element of an array.
-func ExampleQuery_LastWithT() {
- numbers := []int{9, 34, 65, 92, 87, 435, 3, 54,
- 83, 23, 87, 67, 12, 19}
- last := From(numbers).
- LastWithT(
- func(n int) bool { return n > 80 },
- )
- fmt.Println(last)
- //Output:
- //87
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use OrderByDescendingT
-// to order an slice.
-func ExampleQuery_OrderByDescendingT() {
- type Player struct {
- Name string
- Points int64
- }
- players := []Player{
- {Name: "Hugo", Points: 4757},
- {Name: "Rick", Points: 7365},
- {Name: "Michael", Points: 2857},
- {Name: "Fadi", Points: 85897},
- {Name: "Peter", Points: 48576},
- }
- //Order and get the top 3 players
- var top3Players []KeyValue
- From(players).
- OrderByDescendingT(
- func(p Player) int64 { return p.Points },
- ).
- Take(3).
- SelectIndexedT(
- func(i int, p Player) KeyValue { return KeyValue{Key: i + 1, Value: p} },
- ).
- ToSlice(&top3Players)
- for _, rank := range top3Players {
- fmt.Printf(
- "Rank: #%d - Player: %s - Points: %d\n",
- rank.Key,
- rank.Value.(Player).Name,
- rank.Value.(Player).Points,
- )
- }
- // Output:
- // Rank: #1 - Player: Fadi - Points: 85897
- // Rank: #2 - Player: Peter - Points: 48576
- // Rank: #3 - Player: Rick - Points: 7365
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use OrderByT
-// to sort the elements of a slice.
-func ExampleQuery_OrderByT() {
- type Pet struct {
- Name string
- Age int
- }
- // Create a list of pets.
- pets := []Pet{
- {Name: "Barley", Age: 8},
- {Name: "Boots", Age: 4},
- {Name: "Whiskers", Age: 1},
- {Name: "Daisy", Age: 4},
- }
- var orderedPets []Pet
- From(pets).
- OrderByT(
- func(pet Pet) int { return pet.Age },
- ).
- ToSlice(&orderedPets)
- for _, pet := range orderedPets {
- fmt.Println(pet.Name, "-", pet.Age)
- }
- // Output:
- // Whiskers - 1
- // Boots - 4
- // Daisy - 4
- // Barley - 8
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use SelectT
-// to project over a slice.
-func ExampleQuery_SelectT() {
- squares := []int{}
- Range(1, 10).
- SelectT(
- func(x int) int { return x * x },
- ).
- ToSlice(&squares)
- fmt.Println(squares)
- // Output:
- // [1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100]
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use SelectIndexedT
-// to determine if the value in a slice of int match their position
-// in the slice.
-func ExampleQuery_SelectIndexedT() {
- numbers := []int{5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0}
- var numsInPlace []KeyValue
- From(numbers).
- SelectIndexedT(
- func(index, num int) KeyValue { return KeyValue{Key: num, Value: num == index} },
- ).
- ToSlice(&numsInPlace)
- fmt.Println("Number: In-place?")
- for _, n := range numsInPlace {
- fmt.Printf("%d: %t\n", n.Key, n.Value)
- }
- // Output:
- // Number: In-place?
- // 5: false
- // 4: false
- // 1: false
- // 3: true
- // 9: false
- // 8: false
- // 6: true
- // 7: true
- // 2: false
- // 0: false
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use SelectManyT
-// to perform a one-to-many projection over a slice
-func ExampleQuery_SelectManyByT() {
- type Pet struct {
- Name string
- }
- type Person struct {
- Name string
- Pets []Pet
- }
- magnus := Person{
- Name: "Hedlund, Magnus",
- Pets: []Pet{{Name: "Daisy"}},
- }
- terry := Person{
- Name: "Adams, Terry",
- Pets: []Pet{{Name: "Barley"}, {Name: "Boots"}},
- }
- charlotte := Person{
- Name: "Weiss, Charlotte",
- Pets: []Pet{{Name: "Whiskers"}},
- }
- people := []Person{magnus, terry, charlotte}
- var results []string
- From(people).
- SelectManyByT(
- func(person Person) Query { return From(person.Pets) },
- func(pet Pet, person Person) interface{} {
- return fmt.Sprintf("Owner: %s, Pet: %s", person.Name, pet.Name)
- },
- ).
- ToSlice(&results)
- for _, result := range results {
- fmt.Println(result)
- }
- // Output:
- // Owner: Hedlund, Magnus, Pet: Daisy
- // Owner: Adams, Terry, Pet: Barley
- // Owner: Adams, Terry, Pet: Boots
- // Owner: Weiss, Charlotte, Pet: Whiskers
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use SelectManyT
-// to perform a projection over a list of sentences and rank the
-// top 5 most used words
-func ExampleQuery_SelectManyT() {
- sentences := []string{
- "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog",
- "pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs",
- "several fabulous dixieland jazz groups played with quick tempo",
- "back in my quaint garden jaunty zinnias vie with flaunting phlox",
- "five or six big jet planes zoomed quickly by the new tower",
- "I quickly explained that many big jobs involve few hazards",
- "The wizard quickly jinxed the gnomes before they vaporized",
- }
- var results []string
- From(sentences).
- //Split the sentences in words
- SelectManyT(func(sentence string) Query {
- return From(strings.Split(sentence, " "))
- }).
- //Grouping by word
- GroupByT(
- func(word string) string { return word },
- func(word string) string { return word },
- ).
- //Ordering by word counts
- OrderByDescendingT(func(wordGroup Group) int {
- return len(wordGroup.Group)
- }).
- //Then order by word
- ThenByT(func(wordGroup Group) string {
- return wordGroup.Key.(string)
- }).
- //Take the top 5
- Take(5).
- //Project the words using the index as rank
- SelectIndexedT(func(index int, wordGroup Group) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("Rank: #%d, Word: %s, Counts: %d", index+1, wordGroup.Key, len(wordGroup.Group))
- }).
- ToSlice(&results)
- for _, result := range results {
- fmt.Println(result)
- }
- // Output:
- // Rank: #1, Word: the, Counts: 4
- // Rank: #2, Word: quickly, Counts: 3
- // Rank: #3, Word: with, Counts: 3
- // Rank: #4, Word: big, Counts: 2
- // Rank: #5, Word: five, Counts: 2
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use SelectManyIndexedT
-// to perform a one-to-many projection over an slice of log files and
-// print out their contents.
-func ExampleQuery_SelectManyIndexedT() {
- type LogFile struct {
- Name string
- Lines []string
- }
- file1 := LogFile{
- Name: "file1.log",
- Lines: []string{
- "INFO: 2013/11/05 18:11:01 main.go:44: Special Information",
- "WARNING: 2013/11/05 18:11:01 main.go:45: There is something you need to know about",
- "ERROR: 2013/11/05 18:11:01 main.go:46: Something has failed",
- },
- }
- file2 := LogFile{
- Name: "file2.log",
- Lines: []string{
- "INFO: 2013/11/05 18:11:01 main.go:46: Everything is ok",
- },
- }
- file3 := LogFile{
- Name: "file3.log",
- Lines: []string{
- "2013/11/05 18:42:26 Hello World",
- },
- }
- logFiles := []LogFile{file1, file2, file3}
- var results []string
- From(logFiles).
- SelectManyIndexedT(func(fileIndex int, file LogFile) Query {
- return From(file.Lines).
- SelectIndexedT(func(lineIndex int, line string) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("File:[%d] - %s => line: %d - %s", fileIndex+1, file.Name, lineIndex+1, line)
- })
- }).
- ToSlice(&results)
- for _, result := range results {
- fmt.Println(result)
- }
- // Output:
- // File:[1] - file1.log => line: 1 - INFO: 2013/11/05 18:11:01 main.go:44: Special Information
- // File:[1] - file1.log => line: 2 - WARNING: 2013/11/05 18:11:01 main.go:45: There is something you need to know about
- // File:[1] - file1.log => line: 3 - ERROR: 2013/11/05 18:11:01 main.go:46: Something has failed
- // File:[2] - file2.log => line: 1 - INFO: 2013/11/05 18:11:01 main.go:46: Everything is ok
- // File:[3] - file3.log => line: 1 - 2013/11/05 18:42:26 Hello World
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use SelectManyByIndexedT
-// to perform a one-to-many projection over an array and use the index of
-// each outer element.
-func ExampleQuery_SelectManyByIndexedT() {
- type Pet struct {
- Name string
- }
- type Person struct {
- Name string
- Pets []Pet
- }
- magnus := Person{
- Name: "Hedlund, Magnus",
- Pets: []Pet{{Name: "Daisy"}},
- }
- terry := Person{
- Name: "Adams, Terry",
- Pets: []Pet{{Name: "Barley"}, {Name: "Boots"}},
- }
- charlotte := Person{
- Name: "Weiss, Charlotte",
- Pets: []Pet{{Name: "Whiskers"}},
- }
- people := []Person{magnus, terry, charlotte}
- var results []string
- From(people).
- SelectManyByIndexedT(
- func(index int, person Person) Query {
- return From(person.Pets).
- SelectT(func(pet Pet) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("%d - %s", index, pet.Name)
- })
- },
- func(indexedPet string, person Person) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("Pet: %s, Owner: %s", indexedPet, person.Name)
- },
- ).
- ToSlice(&results)
- for _, result := range results {
- fmt.Println(result)
- }
- // Output:
- // Pet: 0 - Daisy, Owner: Hedlund, Magnus
- // Pet: 1 - Barley, Owner: Adams, Terry
- // Pet: 1 - Boots, Owner: Adams, Terry
- // Pet: 2 - Whiskers, Owner: Weiss, Charlotte
-//The following code example demonstrates how to use SingleWithT
-// to select the only element of a slice that satisfies a condition.
-func ExampleQuery_SingleWithT() {
- fruits := []string{"apple", "banana", "mango", "orange", "passionfruit", "grape"}
- fruit := From(fruits).
- SingleWithT(
- func(f string) bool { return len(f) > 10 },
- )
- fmt.Println(fruit)
- // Output:
- // passionfruit
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use SkipWhileT
-// to skip elements of an array as long as a condition is true.
-func ExampleQuery_SkipWhileT() {
- grades := []int{59, 82, 70, 56, 92, 98, 85}
- var lowerGrades []int
- From(grades).
- OrderByDescendingT(
- func(g int) int { return g },
- ).
- SkipWhileT(
- func(g int) bool { return g >= 80 },
- ).
- ToSlice(&lowerGrades)
- //"All grades below 80:
- fmt.Println(lowerGrades)
- // Output:
- // [70 59 56]
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use SkipWhileIndexedT
-// to skip elements of an array as long as a condition that depends
-// on the element's index is true.
-func ExampleQuery_SkipWhileIndexedT() {
- amounts := []int{5000, 2500, 9000, 8000, 6500, 4000, 1500, 5500}
- var query []int
- From(amounts).
- SkipWhileIndexedT(
- func(index int, amount int) bool { return amount > index*1000 },
- ).
- ToSlice(&query)
- fmt.Println(query)
- // Output:
- // [4000 1500 5500]
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use SortT
-// to order elements of an slice.
-func ExampleQuery_SortT() {
- type Pet struct {
- Name string
- Age int
- }
- // Create a list of pets.
- pets := []Pet{
- {Name: "Barley", Age: 8},
- {Name: "Boots", Age: 4},
- {Name: "Whiskers", Age: 1},
- {Name: "Daisy", Age: 4},
- }
- orderedPets := []Pet{}
- From(pets).
- SortT(
- func(pet1 Pet, pet2 Pet) bool { return pet1.Age < pet2.Age },
- ).
- ToSlice(&orderedPets)
- for _, pet := range orderedPets {
- fmt.Println(pet.Name, "-", pet.Age)
- }
- // Output:
- // Whiskers - 1
- // Boots - 4
- // Daisy - 4
- // Barley - 8
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use TakeWhileT
-// to return elements from the start of a slice.
-func ExampleQuery_TakeWhileT() {
- fruits := []string{"apple", "banana", "mango", "orange", "passionfruit", "grape"}
- var query []string
- From(fruits).
- TakeWhileT(
- func(fruit string) bool { return fruit != "orange" },
- ).
- ToSlice(&query)
- fmt.Println(query)
- // Output:
- // [apple banana mango]
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use TakeWhileIndexedT
-// to return elements from the start of a slice as long asa condition
-// that uses the element's index is true.
-func ExampleQuery_TakeWhileIndexedT() {
- fruits := []string{"apple", "passionfruit", "banana", "mango",
- "orange", "blueberry", "grape", "strawberry"}
- var query []string
- From(fruits).
- TakeWhileIndexedT(
- func(index int, fruit string) bool { return len(fruit) >= index },
- ).
- ToSlice(&query)
- fmt.Println(query)
- // Output:
- // [apple passionfruit banana mango orange blueberry]
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use ToMapBy
-// by using a key and value selectors to populate a map.
-func ExampleQuery_ToMapByT() {
- type Product struct {
- Name string
- Code int
- }
- products := []Product{
- {Name: "orange", Code: 4},
- {Name: "apple", Code: 9},
- {Name: "lemon", Code: 12},
- {Name: "apple", Code: 9},
- }
- map1 := map[int]string{}
- From(products).
- ToMapByT(&map1,
- func(item Product) int { return item.Code },
- func(item Product) string { return item.Name },
- )
- fmt.Println(map1[4])
- fmt.Println(map1[9])
- fmt.Println(map1[12])
- // Output:
- // orange
- // apple
- // lemon
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use WhereT
-// to filter a slices.
-func ExampleQuery_WhereT() {
- fruits := []string{"apple", "passionfruit", "banana", "mango",
- "orange", "blueberry", "grape", "strawberry"}
- var query []string
- From(fruits).
- WhereT(
- func(f string) bool { return len(f) > 6 },
- ).
- ToSlice(&query)
- fmt.Println(query)
- // Output:
- // [passionfruit blueberry strawberry]
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use WhereIndexedT
-// to filter a slice based on a predicate that involves the index of each element.
-func ExampleQuery_WhereIndexedT() {
- numbers := []int{0, 30, 20, 15, 90, 85, 40, 75}
- var query []int
- From(numbers).
- WhereIndexedT(
- func(index int, number int) bool { return number <= index*10 },
- ).
- ToSlice(&query)
- fmt.Println(query)
- // Output:
- // [0 20 15 40]
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use the ZipT
-// method to merge two slices.
-func ExampleQuery_ZipT() {
- number := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
- words := []string{"one", "two", "three"}
- q := From(number).
- ZipT(From(words),
- func(a int, b string) []interface{} { return []interface{}{a, b} },
- )
- fmt.Println(q.Results())
- // Output:
- // [[1 one] [2 two] [3 three]]
-// The following code example demonstrates how to use the FromChannelT
-// to make a Query from typed channel.
-func ExampleFromChannelT() {
- ch := make(chan string, 3)
- ch <- "one"
- ch <- "two"
- ch <- "three"
- close(ch)
- q := FromChannelT(ch)
- fmt.Println(q.Results())
- // Output:
- // [one two three]